Oulun osallistuva budjetointi 2025
Asukkaiden ideoiden toteuttamiseen on tänä vuonna käytössä 240 000 euroa.
Muutokset kohteessa "A unified, centralized budget for international celebratory events "
- +{"en"=>"A unified, centralized budget for international celebratory events "}
Idean kuvaus
- +["There are many internationals in Oulu, accounting for 34% of the population according to a survey in 2022, and University of Oulu had over 21,000 international applicants in 2024. This diverse, multicultural community calls for a more colorful, multicultural event scene. My idea is to have a certain centralized and unified budget allocated to international celebratory events held for the entire population of Oulu, to which several international communities can contribute, each organizing their own iconic celebratory event for the general public. There have been instances of such events before but they have usually been small, niche events with little participation from the locals. I believe the proper execution of this idea can lead to the international communities integrating better into Finnish society and feeling like they belong, and also the Finnish people taking an interest in the other cultures living beside them in a cheerful and affable manner."]