Participatory budgeting in Oulu in 2023
This year, we have 70,000 euros to transform the ideas suggested by the residents into practical reality.
Changes at "Christmas tree for the Market Square "
Description (Suomi)
-<p> Rahalla hankittaisiin iso joulukuusi kauppatorille jouluajaksi. Budjetissa on huomioitu ison kuusen kiinnitys- ym. turvallisuuteen liittyvät kulut. </p>- +<p>Rahalla hankitaan iso joulukuusi kauppatorille jouluajaksi. Budjetissa on huomioitu ison kuusen kiinnitys- ym. turvallisuuteen liittyvät kulut.</p>
Description (English)
-<p> The money would be used to purchase a large Christmas tree for the Market Square at Christmas. The budget takes into account the securing, etc. of the large tree and costs related to safety. </p>- +<p>The money would be used to purchase a large Christmas tree for the Market Square at Christmas. The budget takes into account the securing, etc. of the large tree and costs related to safety.</p>