Participatory budgeting in Oulu in 2023
This year, we have 70,000 euros to transform the ideas suggested by the residents into practical reality.
Changes at "Converting areas of grass into meadows"
Title (Suomi)
- +Nurmialueiden muuttaminen niityiksi
Title (English)
- +Converting areas of grass into meadows
Description (Suomi)
- +<p> Rahalla muutettaisiin kaupungin puistojen ja teiden viereisiä nurmialueita niityiksi. </p>
Description (English)
- +<p> The money would be used to convert grass areas next to municipal parks and roads into meadows. </p>
Start date
- +2023-06-01
End date
- +2023-12-31
- +20.0