Participatory budgeting in Oulu in 2023
This year, we have 70,000 euros to transform the ideas suggested by the residents into practical reality.
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39 projects
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Skip to resultsFour goals for Kaakkuri sports field
The money would be used to purchase four new goals for Kaakkuri...
Four goals for Kaakkuri sports field
Budget: €8,000
The money would be used to purchase four new goals for Kaakkuri sports field.
Barbecue site on Värttö beach
The money would be used to build a barbecue site on Värttö beach....
Barbecue site on Värttö beach
Budget: €8,000
The money would be used to build a barbecue site on Värttö beach. The budget includes the barbecue site, benches and the planning and construction of the area.
Renewal of signs on the Yli-Ii ski track/fitness trail
The money would be used to renew the signs in poor condition al...
Renewal of signs on the Yli-Ii ski track/fitness trail
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to renew the signs in poor condition along the Yli-Ii ski tracks/fitness trail.
Renovation of Hiironen football pitches
The money would be used to renovate the grass on the Hiironen foo...
Renovation of Hiironen football pitches
Budget: €70,000
The money would be used to renovate the grass on the Hiironen football pitches.
Photogenic swing for Koiteli
The money would be used to purchase a swing in a photogenic place...
Photogenic swing for Koiteli
Budget: €3,000
The money would be used to purchase a swing in a photogenic place in Koiteli for taking pictures.
Two local band evenings for young people in autumn 2023
The money would be used for two local band evenings for youth ban...
Two local band evenings for young people in autumn 2023
Budget: €700
The money would be used for two local band evenings for youth bands in Oulu during autumn 2023.
A lean-to at Kivikkokangas campfire site
The money would be used to purchase a lean-to for Kivikkokangas c...
A lean-to at Kivikkokangas campfire site
Budget: €7,000
The money would be used to purchase a lean-to for Kivikkokangas campfire site.
New equipment for Haukipudas action park
The money would be used to purchase new equipment (swings, plac...
New equipment for Haukipudas action park
Budget: €10,000
The money would be used to purchase new equipment (swings, places for young people to sit) in Haukipudas action park.
Pickleball court for Kiiminkipuisto
The money would be used to paint a Pickleball court on the tenn...
Pickleball court for Kiiminkipuisto
Budget: €3,000
The money would be used to paint a Pickleball court on the tennis court at Kiiminkipuisto.
Flowery meadows from areas of grass
The money would be used to plant flowers in the grass fields and ...
Flowery meadows from areas of grass
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to plant flowers in the grass fields and meadows of natural areas owned by the city, for example using seed fabric.
An increase in greenery and flowers in municipal parks
The money would be used to produce more greenery and brilliant co...
An increase in greenery and flowers in municipal parks
Budget: €10,000
The money would be used to produce more greenery and brilliant colours in parks belonging to the City of Oulu. The budget includes tree lifting, placement planning, planting, supports and watering.
Art waste bins in Oulu city centre
The money would be used to organise a workshop for young people t...
Art waste bins in Oulu city centre
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to organise a workshop for young people to design and paint works of art to be put on waste bins in Oulu city centre. The budget includes the planning and implementation of the workshop, materials and payment for the instructor.
Christmas tree for the Market Square
The money would be used to purchase a large Christmas tree for th...
Christmas tree for the Market Square
Budget: €3,000
The money would be used to purchase a large Christmas tree for the Market Square at Christmas. The budget takes into account the securing, etc. of the large tree and costs related to safety.
Laser cutter for the digital workshop at Jääli community centre
The money would be used to purchase a Mr. Beam laser cutter for...
Laser cutter for the digital workshop at Jääli community centre
Budget: €3,600
The money would be used to purchase a Mr. Beam laser cutter for the digital workshop at Jääli community centre.
Making Ylikiiminki School playground more appealing
The money would be used to purchase a bird nesting swing, a set ...
Making Ylikiiminki School playground more appealing
Budget: €6,230
The money would be used to purchase a bird nesting swing, a set of tables and benches, a climbing frame, cherry trees and meadowsweet bushes for the Ylikiiminki School playground.
Pumptrack at Oulunsalo
Budget: €45,000
The money would be used to purchase a pumptrack for Oulunsalo.
Waste bins for Pöllönkangas School playground
The money would be used to purchase two waste bins for Pöllönkang...
Waste bins for Pöllönkangas School playground
Budget: €1,400
The money would be used to purchase two waste bins for Pöllönkangas School playground.
Bicycle maintenance sets at swimming halls
The money would be used to purchase basic equipment (pump, basic ...
Bicycle maintenance sets at swimming halls
Budget: €500
The money would be used to purchase basic equipment (pump, basic tools) for (self-service) bicycle maintenance at Oulu’s three swimming halls.
Stage for performances in Syke House Park
The money would be used to build a stage for performances and e...
Stage for performances in Syke House Park
Budget: €9,000
The money would be used to build a stage for performances and events at Syke House Park in Ylikiiminki.
More benches for municipal swimming beaches
The money would be used to purchase five benches for swimming bea...
More benches for municipal swimming beaches
Budget: €6,000
The money would be used to purchase five benches for swimming beaches owned by the City of Oulu.
Renewal of apparatus in Kuntoilijanpuisto
The money would be used to modernise and renew the apparatus in K...
Renewal of apparatus in Kuntoilijanpuisto
Budget: €30,000
The money would be used to modernise and renew the apparatus in Kuntoilijanpuisto in Raksila sports park.
Two benches for Hönttämäki skating rink
The money would be used to purchase two benches for Hönttämäki ...
Two benches for Hönttämäki skating rink
Budget: €4,000
The money would be used to purchase two benches for Hönttämäki skating rink.
Mowing Pyykösjärvi canebrake
The money would be used for mowing and finishing Pyykösjärvi ca...
Mowing Pyykösjärvi canebrake
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used for mowing and finishing Pyykösjärvi canebrake.
More benches along Haukipudas cycle paths
The money would be used to purchase more benches for resting al...
More benches along Haukipudas cycle paths
Budget: €3,000
The money would be used to purchase more benches for resting along Haukipudas cycle paths.
Restoration of Ylikiiminki beach volleyball court
The money would be used to restore Ylikiiminki beach volleyball...
Restoration of Ylikiiminki beach volleyball court
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to restore Ylikiiminki beach volleyball court.
Swing for recess yard for Pöllönkangas upper grades
The money would be used to purchase a swing for the recess yard...
Swing for recess yard for Pöllönkangas upper grades
Budget: €7,000
The money would be used to purchase a swing for the recess yard on the side of the Pöllönkangas School upper grades.
Green roof fot the bus stop
The money would be used to build a green roof at one of the bus s...
Green roof fot the bus stop
Budget: €10,000
The money would be used to build a green roof at one of the bus stops in the Oulu street network area in the fall of 2023.
New football goal nets and benches for the local field at Hintta School
The money would be used to purchase new football goal nets and tw...
New football goal nets and benches for the local field at Hintta School
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to purchase new football goal nets and two benches for the skating season at the local field at Hintta School.
Benches for Viljapuisto in Oulunsalo
The money would be used to purchase two accessible benches for ...
Benches for Viljapuisto in Oulunsalo
Budget: €4,000
The money would be used to purchase two accessible benches for Viljapuisto in Oulunsalo.
Two large football goals for Metsokangas School field
The money would be used to purchase two large football goals fo...
Two large football goals for Metsokangas School field
Budget: €10,000
The money would be used to purchase two large football goals for Metsokangas School field.
Converting areas of grass into meadows
The money would be used to convert grass areas next to municipal ...
Converting areas of grass into meadows
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to convert grass areas next to municipal parks and roads into meadows.
Football goals for Tuiranpuisto
The money would be used to set up two football goals in Tuiranpui...
Football goals for Tuiranpuisto
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to set up two football goals in Tuiranpuisto.
Upgrading of Torpanmäki disc golf course in Haukipudas
The money would be used to clean up Torpanmäki disc golf course...
Upgrading of Torpanmäki disc golf course in Haukipudas
Budget: €40,000
The money would be used to clean up Torpanmäki disc golf course in Haukipudas and to purchase new baskets.
New football goal nets and benches for the local field at Hintta School
The money would be used to purchase new football goal nets and tw...
New football goal nets and benches for the local field at Hintta School
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to purchase new football goal nets and two benches for the skating season at the local field at Hintta School.
Stone benches for skateboarders at Kuusisaari
The money would be used to purchase two stone benches for skatebo...
Stone benches for skateboarders at Kuusisaari
Budget: €4,000
The money would be used to purchase two stone benches for skateboarders at Kuusisaari.
Renovation of Pikkarala fitness trail
The money would be used to renovate Pikkarala fitness trail.
Renovation of Pikkarala fitness trail
Budget: €70,000
The money would be used to renovate Pikkarala fitness trail.
Library bus and musical performance for children in Hollihaka Park
The money would be used to organise a visit by the Kauno library ...
Library bus and musical performance for children in Hollihaka Park
Budget: €500
The money would be used to organise a visit by the Kauno library bus and a performance by Liikkuva Laulureppu for families and children in Hollihaka Park in June.
Beam benches in Pikisaari
The money would be used to purchase three beam benches for the na...
Beam benches in Pikisaari
Budget: €3,000
The money would be used to purchase three beam benches for the nature trails in Pikisaari.
Mobile collection truck for electronic, metal and hazardous waste
The money would be used to carry out the collection of electron...
Mobile collection truck for electronic, metal and hazardous waste
Budget: €70,000
The money would be used to carry out the collection of electronic, metal and hazardous waste in the Oulu region.
Maximum budget exceeded
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