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What is participatory budgeting?
Participatory budgeting is a operations model which involves residents in the planning and decision-making of common tax resources. There is no right method to carry out participatory budgeting. It can be implemented in many different ways. In participatory budgeting, the city allocates a certain budget or, for example, a certain percentage of the budget, and the residents get to plan and decide how the budget is used.
Participatory budgeting originated in 1989 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where it was developed to help improve poor neighborhoods and reduce inequality. Since then, participatory budgeting has spread widely around the world. Participatory budgeting in Finland has gradually become more common for municipalities since the 2010s.
In the participatory budgeting of 2024, the citizens of Oulu will present their ideas and vote on them to determine how the city will spend 240 000 € to improve the well-being of Oulu’s citizens.