Oulun osallistuva budjetointi 2024
Asukkaiden ideoiden toteuttamiseen on tänä vuonna käytössä 240 000 euroa.
Muutokset kohteessa "Duudsonit kiertueelle neljään Oulun kouluun 11500€"
Kuvaus (English)
-<p>The money will be used to finance a Dudesons Tour in the fall of 2024 in four of Oulu’s public schools: Martinniemi School, Niemenranta School, Paulaharju School and Jääli School. The tour will include an hour-long lecture <em>Meidän Koulussa Ei Kiusata</em> (No Bullying in Our School) given by the Dudesons. The Dudesons have toured schools all over Finland promoting good spirit and friendships. The most important message has been opposing and resisting bullying.</p>- +<p>The money will be used to finance a Dudesons Tour in the fall of 2024 in four of Oulu’s public schools: Martinniemi School, Niemenranta School, Paulaharju School and Jääli School. The tour will include an hour-long lecture <em>Meidän Koulussa Ei Kiusata</em> (No Bullying in Our School) given by the Dudesons. The Dudesons have toured schools all over Finland promoting good spirit and friendships. The most important message has been opposing and resisting bullying.</p><ul><li>Planning is in progress, schedules are being mapped out</li><li>The tour took place in Niemenranta, Jääli, Paulaharju and Martinniemi Schools</li></ul><p> </p>