Participatory budgeting in Oulu in 2022
This year, we have 70,000 euros to transform the ideas suggested by the residents into practical reality.
Changes at "Walkers and friends for the elderly people in the city for the duration of the summer"
Title (Suomi)
- +Ulkoiluttajia ja kavereita kaupungin ikäihmisille kesäksi
Title (English)
- +Walkers and friends for the elderly people in the city for the duration of the summer
Description (Suomi)
- +<p>Rahalla palkataan kuusitoista (16) yli 18-vuotiasta opiskelijaa kuukaudeksi ympäri Oulua eri palvelutaloihin ja kotihoitoon. Palkatut opiskelijat olisivat henkilöitä, jotka ovat jo olleet harjoittelussa kotihoidossa tai palvelutaloissa.</p>
Description (English)
- +<p>The money would be used to recruit over 18 year old students for a month to walk with the elderly in nursing homes and home care. The recruited students would be people that have already had practical training in home care or in a nursing home.</p>
Start date
- +2022-06-01
End date
- +2022-12-31
- +0.0