Participatory budgeting in Oulu in 2022
This year, we have 70,000 euros to transform the ideas suggested by the residents into practical reality.
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Familiarize yourself with the plans to be voted on. Read through the plans and choose them you like the most. You can vote for one or more plans. The common budgets for voted plans can’t go over 70 000 euros.
Projects for Äänestys
8 projects
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Skip to resultsSelected Walkers and friends for the elderly people in the city for the duration of the summer
The money would be used to recruit over 18 year old students for ...
Walkers and friends for the elderly people in the city for the duration of the summer
Budget: €37,500
The money would be used to recruit over 18 year old students for a month to walk with the elderly in nursing homes and home care. The recruited students would be people that have already had practical training in home care or in a nursing home.
Selected Dog poop bag dispensers for public areas
The money would be used to purchase 12 new dog poop bag dispenser...
Dog poop bag dispensers for public areas
Budget: €4,900
The money would be used to purchase 12 new dog poop bag dispensers. The dispensers would be installed in areas of the city that do not yet have them.
Selected Campfire site to Kiulukangas
The money would be used to construct a campfire site to Kiulukang...
Campfire site to Kiulukangas
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to construct a campfire site to Kiulukangas. It would be placed in an area outside the city plan, near the jogging trail and ski track. The campfire site would be realised using recycled material.
Selected Renovation of the Oulunlahti beach
The money would be used to renovate the Oulunlahti beach and to r...
Renovation of the Oulunlahti beach
Budget: €4,000
The money would be used to renovate the Oulunlahti beach and to remove the growths of horsetail.
Selected Park benches for public areas in the city
10 pieces of new park benches would be installed in public areas ...
Park benches for public areas in the city
Budget: €8,500
10 pieces of new park benches would be installed in public areas in the city, such as the Tuira beach and Maikkula.
Selected Diversity through wildflower plantations
The money would be used to diversify the flora of meadows and to ...
Diversity through wildflower plantations
Budget: €5,000
The money would be used to diversify the flora of meadows and to plant meadows in patches. The meadows would be sown with seed mixes of annual and perennial meadow plants. The preliminary locations would be at least the following areas: Sirppitie, Kuokkatie, Tiedonkehto and Toppilansalmi.
Selected Trees for the city center
Spruces would be planted in the elevated steel garden beds on Kir...
Trees for the city center
Budget: €4,800
Spruces would be planted in the elevated steel garden beds on Kirkkokatu's Rotuaari for the winter season. Spruces of various sizes from the nursery could be used for the elevated garden beds.
Selected Bench for the Metsokangas skating rink
The money would be used to purchase a bench for the Metsokangas s...
Bench for the Metsokangas skating rink
Budget: €1,000
The money would be used to purchase a bench for the Metsokangas skating rink for putting on ice skates.
Maximum budget exceeded
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